Project One

A digital reform with the objective to empower patients and help
solve some of the biggest problems within NHS dentistry,
whilst saving millions in the process.

The Biggest Problems in NHS Dentistry

Lack of Access

Amidst the challenges faced in NHS dentistry, the issue of patient access stands out as a pressing concern. In 2022 a study by the BBC showed A staggering 91% of NHS practices nationwide were unable to accommodate new adult patients, leaving thousands without access to essential dental care.

This issue is particularly acute in regions such as the East Midlands and the South West, where the figure rises to an alarming 97% and 98%, respectively. The stark reality is that the situation has only gotten worse since then, thus underscoring the urgent need for innovative solutions to bridge the gap and ensure equitable access to quality dental services for all.


Another significant challenge facing NHS dentistry is the prevalence of fraud, which exerts a heavy toll on healthcare resources. Dental contractor fraud, characterised by false claims for treatments the dentist has not performed, alone results in an annual loss of £57 million to the NHS. Similarly, patient exemption fraud, where individuals wrongly claim exemption from dental charges, further compounds the issue by costing an additional £41 million each year.

These eye-opening figures highlight the urgent need for robust measures to combat fraud and safeguard the integrity of the healthcare system. By addressing both dental contractor and patient exemption fraud, we can ensure that precious NHS resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to benefit those in genuine need of dental care.

Inequalities in Care

Inequalities in access to dental care persist, marked by significant disparities across various regions and demographic groups. These discrepancies are evident both between different geographical areas and within the same locality among individuals from diverse backgrounds. Addressing these disparities is paramount to ensuring equitable access to essential dental services for all.

Lack of Transparency

The provision of patient-centred care is hindered by a pervasive lack of transparency within the healthcare system. This lack of openness impedes informed decision-making and undermines patients’ ability to actively participate in their own care, thus hindering the delivery of truly patient-centred services.

Project One's Alignment with the NHS Objectives and Ideals

As we embark on our mission to revolutionise dental care delivery and address critical challenges within the NHS, it’s crucial to highlight our strategic alignment with NHS England, NHSBSA, and the NHSCFA. These alignments are outlined in the NHS’s long-term workforce plans, as well as the strategic documents of NHSBSA and NHSCFA for 2023-2026. Our project is meticulously crafted to tackle key priorities and objectives identified in these strategic documents, ensuring seamless integration with the overarching goals of the healthcare system.

Improving Access to Care

Project One addresses the lack of access to NHS dental services by enhancing appointment availability and empowering patients through our innovative patient app.

This app offers various features, including seamless appointment scheduling, a user-friendly NHS dentist finder, access to educational resources, and interaction with our AI dentist.

Through a blend of patient education, minimisation of missed appointments, and reinvestment of fraud savings, we aim to facilitate an additional 3.22 million appointments each year, leading to enhanced patient access to essential dental care.

Tackling Fraud Head-On

Project One actively combats dental contractor and patient exemption fraud through the use of a new patient app and NHS portal, aligning with the NHS’s goal of safeguarding healthcare resources and promoting fiscal responsibility with public funds.

Through robust fraud detection and deterrence mechanisms and promoting transparent billing processes, we contribute to the NHS’s strategy to combat fraud and improve financial sustainability.

Tackling Fraud Head-On

Project One actively combats dental contractor and patient exemption fraud through the use of a new patient app and NHS portal, aligning with the NHS’s goal of safeguarding healthcare resources and promoting fiscal responsibility with public funds.

Through robust fraud detection and deterrence mechanisms and promoting transparent billing processes, we contribute to the NHS’s strategy to combat fraud and improve financial sustainability.

Promoting Transparency

Recognising the importance of transparency in patient-centred care, our project integrates features that promote openness and accountability within the dental care ecosystem.

By providing patients with access to their treatment records, exemption status, and educational materials, we foster informed decision-making and empower patients to take an active role in managing their oral health.

Addressing Inequalities in Care

Project One aims to bridge gaps in access to dental services, especially for underserved populations. Our AI dentist feature offers valuable support for individuals who may lack immediate access to a physical dentist.

Through real-time text chat, patients can receive guidance on minor dental issues, ensuring access to a certain level of care regardless of their location or circumstances. This fosters inclusivity in healthcare, prioritising the needs of vulnerable communities.

Addressing Inequalities in Care

Project One aims to bridge gaps in access to dental services, especially for underserved populations. Our AI dentist feature offers valuable support for individuals who may lack immediate access to a physical dentist.

Through real-time text chat, patients can receive guidance on minor dental issues, ensuring access to a certain level of care regardless of their location or circumstances. This fosters inclusivity in healthcare, prioritising the needs of vulnerable communities.

Long-Term Sustainability and Impact

Ultimately, our project aims to contribute to the long-term sustainability and resilience of the NHS by driving efficiency, reducing costs, and improving health outcomes for patients.

Through continuous innovation, data-driven decisionmaking, and a steadfast commitment to patient-centric care, we strive to realise the NHS’s vision of a healthcare system that delivers high-quality, accessible, and equitable care for all.

Project One's Alignment with the NHS Objectives and Ideals

Our solution to the outlined challenges materialises through the implementation of a patient app and NHS portal, which collectively herald a revolution in NHS dentistry. This innovative approach enables us to address the persistent challenges within the NHS and provide efficient and accessible dental care. Here’s a concise overview of how it unfolds:

NHS Portal

Project One encompasses an NHS portal tailored to deliver comprehensive analytics and insights for all dental practices and patients within the system. This portal grants NHS administrators access to various valuable data points, including fraud flags for efficient identification and mitigation of potential instances of fraud. Additionally, administrators will have visibility into patient complaints, suggestions, and issues reported through the app.

Such features significantly enhance transparency and accountability while equipping NHS decision-makers with the necessary information to optimise dental care delivery and combat fraud effectively. Ultimately, these capabilities contribute to substantial benefits for the NHS and its stakeholders.

Patient App

The app offers patients numerous features that enhance ease of access to NHS dentistry, while also educating them and providing solutions for minor issues without them having to visit the dentist, thereby conserving chair time for patients with more significant concerns. Some of these features include:
  • Appointment Booking:Seamlessly schedule appointments with NHS dentists, cutting wait times.
  • Access to Records:Securely view treatment records and claims, fostering transparency.
  • Find Dentists:Locate NHS dentists accepting new patients nearby, empowering informed decisions.
  • Chat with AI Dentist:Receive instant guidance for minor dental concerns, anytime, anywhere.
  • Educational Resources:Access a wealth of tailored oral health education for all ages.
  • Digital Exemption Certificate:Quickly verify NHS treatment exemption status, streamlining administrative processes

Benefits for NHS

Our solution provides the NHS with advanced analytics, empowering progress and innovation.

With our cutting-edge data insights, the NHS gains valuable information on patient care and operational efficiency, driving continuous improvement.

Through the use of our new system we are looking at savings of ~£100 Million per year & making millions of new appointments available.
Savings breakdown:
  • The elimination of dental contractor fraud = £57M
  • The elimination of patient exemption fraud = £41M
3.22M more available appointments:
  • Eliminating dental contractor fraud - ~1.8M new appointments.
  • Increased oral health education (prevention based dentistry) - ~900,000 new appointments.
  • Reducing missed appointments - ~484,000 new appointments.

Benefits For Patients

Improved Patient Access

Improvement of Care Inequality

Increased Oral Health Education

Increased Care Quality, Patient Journey and Autonomy

Increased Transparency in Care