Current Projects

Dive into our ongoing projects, where we're shaping
the future of dentistry through our innovative solutions.

Project One

  • Identifying the challenges
    This project stems from our passion to drive positive change in NHS dentistry by expanding access and maximising the efficiency of NHS resources. Whilst challenging, we believe in proactive problem-solving, rather than relying solely on financial injections.

  • Our Approach:
    We aim to expand appointment availability and achieve significant savings by eliminating fraud and enhancing oral health education. Our strategy involves developing a user-friendly patient app and an NHS web portal for comprehensive monitoring and management.

  • The Outcome:
    Discussions are currently ongoing.

Project One

  • Identifying the challenges
    This project stems from our passion to drive positive change in NHS dentistry by expanding access and maximising the efficiency of NHS resources. Whilst challenging, we believe in proactive problem-solving, rather than relying solely on financial injections.

  • Our Approach:
    We aim to expand appointment availability and achieve significant savings by eliminating fraud and enhancing oral health education. Our strategy involves developing a user-friendly patient app and an NHS web portal for comprehensive monitoring and management.

  • The Outcome:
    Discussions are currently ongoing.

Saint Visage Dental Group

  • Client Background:
    Saint Visage Dental Group aimed to boost their online presence and enhance patient accessibility.

  • Our Approach:
    We proposed a streamlined website development plan focused on user experience and information delivery.

  • The Transformation & Outcome:
    We revamped the website, creating a visually appealing and user-friendly platform that effectively communicates the group's expertise and services.

Dental Care Accountants

  • Client Consultation:
    We held detailed discussions with Dental Care Accountants to understand their website requirements and preferences.

  • Design and Development:
    Our team crafted a visually appealing and user-friendly website based on the client's specifications, ensuring seamless navigation and functionality.

  • Testing and Launch:
    Following rigorous testing, we launched the website, providing ongoing support and training to ensure optimal performance.

Dental Care Accountants

  • Client Consultation:
    We held detailed discussions with Dental Care Accountants to understand their website requirements and preferences.

  • Design and Development:
    Our team crafted a visually appealing and user-friendly website based on the client's specifications, ensuring seamless navigation and functionality.

  • Testing and Launch:
    Following rigorous testing, we launched the website, providing ongoing support and training to ensure optimal performance.

Visage Dental Recruitment

  • Client Consultation:
    We engaged in thorough discussions with Visage Dental Recruitment to grasp their website objectives and vision for recruitment excellence.

  • Design and Development:
    Leveraging our expertise, we meticulously crafted a dynamic and user-centric website, showcasing their unique recruitment offerings and mission.

  • Testing and Launch:
    After rigorous testing, we launched the website, ensuring seamless functionality and an intuitive user experience to attract top-tier dental professionals.
This succinctly outlines the process of how we transformed Visage Dental Recruitment's vision into a powerful online platform.

CRM Development

  • Identified challenges:
    Fragmented data storage, lack of streamlined communication, difficulty in tracking client interactions, and inefficient HR and financial management processes.

  • Proposed solution:
    Customized CRM software tailored to address specific needs.

  • Detailed presentations:
    Demonstrated how the software would centralize data, automate tasks, improve communication, and provide insightful analytics.

  • Client involvement:
    Kept the client engaged throughout development to ensure alignment with their vision and objectives.

CRM Development

  • Identified challenges:
    Fragmented data storage, lack of streamlined communication, difficulty in tracking client interactions, and inefficient HR and financial management processes.

  • Proposed solution:
    Customized CRM software tailored to address specific needs.

  • Detailed presentations:
    Demonstrated how the software would centralize data, automate tasks, improve communication, and provide insightful analytics.

  • Client involvement:
    Kept the client engaged throughout development to ensure alignment with their vision and objectives.

Visage Dental Academy

  • Needs Assessment:
    Understanding Visage Dental Academy's mission, we conducted a thorough assessment to align their website with their educational goals and global reach.

  • Custom Design:
    Crafting a visually engaging and user-friendly website, we tailored each element to reflect the institution's commitment to excellence in dental education.

  • Content Integration:
    Seamlessly integrating course offerings, faculty profiles, and educational resources, we ensured a comprehensive online platform for prospective students worldwide.
Our collaborative approach ensured that Visage Dental Academy's website not only reflects their esteemed reputation but also serves as a beacon of excellence in dental education.

Study Dentistry Abroad

  • Project Initiation:
    We commenced the Study Dentistry Abroad project with a comprehensive assessment of client requirements and aspirations, aligning our strategies with their vision.

  • Design and Development:
    Our team embarked on crafting a user-friendly website that seamlessly guides students through the complexities of studying dentistry abroad, from admission processes to relocation assistance.

  • Implementation and Support:
    Post-launch, we ensure ongoing support, refining the website's functionalities and providing continuous assistance to students navigating their dental education journey in the EU.

Study Dentistry Abroad

  • Project Initiation:
    We commenced the Study Dentistry Abroad project with a comprehensive assessment of client requirements and aspirations, aligning our strategies with their vision.

  • Design and Development:
    Our team embarked on crafting a user-friendly website that seamlessly guides students through the complexities of studying dentistry abroad, from admission processes to relocation assistance.

  • Implementation and Support:
    Post-launch, we ensure ongoing support, refining the website's functionalities and providing continuous assistance to students navigating their dental education journey in the EU.